how to success on tiktok? and how to make money from tiktok


When it comes to video sharing application platforms, no one dominates us more than Facebook. However, if you happen to watch a live video on your phone, you will be able to share that video on YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, etc., creating a social media community that can help strengthen a brand. Apart from just posting videos on these apps, the creators can also make money through AdSense or even sponsored content ads. You can earn up to $100+ per 1000 video views.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

What Is A Social Media Platform Like TikTok?

Facebook may not be popular among teenagers here or there, but TikTok has made it big with its unique business model. As a user-generated platform (UGC) platform in China, TikTok serves as a distribution channel, where people generate new content and upload them to their app. To become active on this platform, you are required to create at least 5 different accounts. These accounts can then spread out across other sites. If you want to reach more users, you need to download more TikToks.

What’s Why We Are Writing This Article

There are tons of videos posted on UGC platforms, so much that many of these users don’t know they could potentially make extra income. But only time and effort can tell whether you can turn those videos into sales opportunities or not. Thus, you should come up with useful tips on how to get started with TikTok. This article provides us some insight on how TikTok works so well. There is nothing new here. You just have to follow what companies do well!

How It Works? And Why Should You Use It

To understand why UGC is such good business nowadays, let’s go back to our understanding of the past. Then we had to figure out what happened until now. Back in 2013, nobody knew about Youtube and Google Mobile. Then came the rise of YouTube and Google Plus. People started streaming clips and putting them on websites. No one knew the future would come like mobile videos with subtitles. Nowadays you never know what you are going to come across on the Internet. Be prepared for anything! Everything is possible.

Image by Nitish Gupta from Pixabay 

So What Is Tiktok All About?

In the past decade, people had to deal with internet speed issues and connectivity issues. They needed faster ways of downloading files and websites. So people started looking for other means of entertainment. Basically, people wanted to see videos online. Eventually, a small number of creators made a site on Reddit that became known as Tumblr. At first, it was for memes about celebrities. Soon after, it went viral, becoming a huge part of culture. Later, someone found videos of Justin Bieber dancing, and decided to post them on Tumblr. Eventually, MTV picked up Tumblr as their own channel. That’s when everyone in the web started uploading original videos to Tumblr.

Tumblr wasn’t just a place for memes. From there on out, Tumblr changed to become the biggest blog platform on the World Wide Web. In 2015, Tumblr decided to merge with Vimeo and launch a global video service. Also, in 2018, they created another video platform called IGTV. Since then, a lot of the companies on top of Tumblr have launched video services. For instance, Wix, which formerly used to be owned by Yahoo!, acquired by AOL. Similarly, eBay bought, meaning X-Y.

Why Do You Need To Create On TikTok?

To understand better on why you should create something on TikTok , let’s talk about how to start. Firstly, you can find lots of creators posting about trending topics. .Secondly, it gives you enough motivation to explore and discover new things. Besides, it is a good way to learn on any topic you want. Lastly, because most users on TikTok are 18 and younger, they tend to spend longer periods of time on the TikTok platform than any other platform. This means that they are looking for new contents and ideas. And I think that Tiktok is the best platform to provide such services. I can personally say that every young person on TikTok is willing to try whatever Tiktok offers. They can take risks and enjoy what happens out there.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

What Kind of Content Creates Success On TikTok?

Whether you focus on making short videos or long ones, you can gain massive success on the video platform. Many users take videos of themselves doing certain tasks, such as exercising, cooking, watching movies, and so on. Therefore, they include various poses, transitions, and movements to showcase particular activities.

This is a great way to show off your talents without having to worry about finding resources. Not just regular exercises, but also do arts or crafts, travel documentaries, games, comedy, etc., by showing different kinds of moves that people perform here. With a camera like that, it makes sense to also put some entertaining music on the background. Depending on your skill level, you can create interesting video content. Even though most users aren’t skilled at doing amazing video editing, TikTok is easy to use. Just sit and edit what you like. So that you don't have to think too hard about the video format. Once done, your video is ready to go.

Image by S K from Pixabay 

How Is TikTok Making Money?

We have already talked about how TikTok supports users to grow, but how does it make money? Through advertising. Here are 3 important parts about influencer marketing and digital marketing in general. First, advertisers pay to promote their products/services on TikTok. Those advertisements appear in selected places on the feed, and viewers click on it. Secondly, affiliate marketers are able to encourage customers to give them access to product pages on their channels. Next, the third important part is search results. Users are shown relevant advertisements based on their activity. The last part is performance. Every TikToker wants their account to rank high, so their channel appears higher on the list of recommendations. Therefore, whenever they come across an ad, they must go to check if their videos are really shown to them (or not). Most importantly, you can look for keywords related to your niche such as beauty, gaming, etc. so that you can increase followers.

The secret is simple: you need to make your audience excited about your subject matter. Because the more they talk about it on the platform, the more they are interested in learning about it. Finally, don't underestimate it! When you see all those fascinating content, it's almost impossible to resist coming across your favorite creator. This is a goldmine, right?

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